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Central control is a software utility that provides a configurable menu from which other software can be executed. It allows all of the products from PassMark software and external tools to be brought together for easier access.
This document will be useful for companies that have purchased several products from PassMark software and would like to integrate these products to have them accessible from a single interface. The person reading this document is expected to be a technician with a reasonable level of confidence using a PC.
Central Control displays a series of buttons that allow other applications to be launched. Up to fifty applications can be present in the Central Control window. The window will resize itself to display all the available applications. Clicking on the button that represents that application starts it up. After an application has been started Central Control remains opens so additional applications can be started.
The applications that appear in the Central Control window can be changed and configured by the user. A text file called “centralcontrol.cfg” controls the configuration. This file must be in the same directory as the Central Control executable file.