您的位置:極速下載站 → 電腦軟件 → 網(wǎng)絡軟件 → 網(wǎng)絡其他 → Network Event Viewer
Network Event Viewer has been replaced by Corner Bowl Log Manager. If you are a current user of Network Event Viewer and would like to upgrade to the latest version of our log management software please either contact with your current license or company information or purchase the equivalent Corner Bowl Log Manager maintenance.
相關搜索:網(wǎng)絡日志 日志查看 日志管理
極速提醒:本軟件需要安裝 .Net framework 才能正常使用!請下載合適的版本進行安裝!
.Net framework 2.0、.Net framework 3.5、.Net framework 4.0、.Net framework 4.5.2、.Net framework 4.7.1;