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您的位置:極速下載站 → 電腦軟件 → 圖形圖像 → 圖像處理 → Animated Wallpaper Maker
Animated Wallpaper Maker幫助你把你的靜態(tài)圖片整理成動(dòng)態(tài)圖片和設(shè)置他們作為你的桌面背景。
As opposed to old-fashioned slideshow screensaver builders, with Animated Screensaver Maker you can turn static photos into real animated scenes. You can easily create a virtual aquarium with moving fish, make a seaside scene, add weather effects, or use any of several other animated effects and objects!
相關(guān)搜索:Maker Wallpaper Animated JPG合成GIF JPG轉(zhuǎn)GIF