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您的位置:極速下載站電腦軟件多媒體類解碼器類Lagarith Lossless Video Codec

Lagarith Lossless Video Codec下載 1.3.2 極速版

  • 軟件大。406 KB
  • 軟件語言:英文
  • 授權方式:共享版
  • 更新時間:2012/3/1
  • 下載次數(shù):3320
  • 軟件評級:
  • 軟件類別:解碼器類
  • 軟件類型:國外軟件
  • 安全檢測:360安全衛(wèi)士通過 電腦管家通過 無插件
  • 運行環(huán)境:WinXP,Win7
  • 網(wǎng)友評論:2條
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Lagarith是一種無損視頻解碼器用于編輯和歸檔目的。 Lagarith提供更好不是像Huffyuv,Alparysoft和CorePNG編解碼器壓縮。有幾個無損壓縮編解碼器,可以更好地比Lagarith如密西根州立大學和FFV1,但是Lagarith往往快于這些編解碼器。 Lagarith是能夠在幾個色彩空間-RGB24,RGB32,RGBA格式,YUY2的,和YV12。對于DVD視頻,壓縮一般只有10-30%,比Huffyuv更好。然而,對于高靜態(tài)畫面或高度可壓縮的場面,Lagarith顯著優(yōu)于Huffyuv。一種比較不同類型的視頻可以在這里找到。 Lagarith能夠超越Huffyuv原因在于它采用了更好的壓縮方法。像素值首先用中位數(shù)預測預報(時使用同樣的方法“預測中位數(shù)“是Huffyuv選中)。在一個更可壓縮的數(shù)據(jù)流這樣的結果。在Huffyuv,此字節(jié)流將被壓縮,然后使用霍夫曼壓縮。在Lagarith,字節(jié)流可能會受到修改的運行長度編碼是否會導致更好的壓縮。由此產(chǎn)生的字節(jié)流,然后將其從使用算術壓縮的壓縮,不同的是,哈夫曼壓縮,可以使用每個符號小數(shù)位。這使得壓縮后的大小是非常接近的信息熵,是為什么Lagarith可以壓縮比Huffyuv更好的簡單框架,并避免擴大高靜壓視頻。此外,Lagarith已為空框架支持,如果在數(shù)學上的前一幀相同的電流,當前幀將被丟棄,譯碼器將只使用前一幀了。

Lagarith Lossless Video Codec 圖片 01

Lagarith is a lossless video codec intended for editing and archiving. Lagarith offers better compression than codecs like Huffyuv, Alparysoft, and CorePNG. There are a few lossless codecs that can compress better than Lagarith, such as MSU and FFV1; however Lagarith tends to be faster than these codecs. Lagarith is able to operate in several colorspaces - RGB24, RGB32, RGBA, YUY2, and YV12. For DVD video, the compression is typically only 10-30% better than Huffyuv. However, for high static scenes or highly compressible scenes, Lagarith significantly outperforms Huffyuv. A comparison for various types of video can be found here. Lagarith is able to outperform Huffyuv due to the fact that it uses a much better compression method. Pixel values are first predicted using median prediction (the same method used when "Predict Median" is selected in Huffyuv). This results in a much more compressible data stream. In Huffyuv, this byte stream would then be compress using Huffman compression. In Lagarith, the byte stream may be subjected to a modified Run Length Encoding if it will result in better compression. The resulting byte stream from that is then compressed using Arithmetic compression, which, unlike Huffman compression, can use fractional bits per symbol. This allows the compressed size to be very close to the entropy of the data, and is why Lagarith can compress simple frames much better than Huffyuv, and avoid expanding high static video. Additionally, Lagarith has support for null frames; if the previous frame is mathematically identical to the current, the current frame is discarded and the decoder will simply use the previous frame again.


相關搜索:Video Codec 無損 解碼器 Lossless Lagarith

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